Estimates for concrete works
Miralan professionally makes estimates for concrete works. Since the founding of the company, we have created hundreds of estimates for industrial and civil construction projects, and the total amount of the concrete we have estimated exceeds half a million cubic metres. We make a thorough calculation of the amount of materials, working hours and building costs of each part of the project, even an individual wall or foundation.
Calculation of concrete works
Calculation of concrete works is a comprehensive service to calculate the cost and time required to build reinforced concrete structures, such as foundations, walls and slabs. You can order either a calculation of the project from scratch or a calculation of modifications made in various versions of drawings. We offer co-operation to Estonian and Swedish construction companies and any other companies interested in our services.
How to order an estimate and what will you receive as a result?
1. Send us your drawings and accompanying documents using our request form or any other method convenient to you –, Google Drive, Dropbox etc.
2. Make a list of works to be calculated. At this stage it is important to be very accurate in making the task, as this will determine the term and price of our work.
Example of source drawings
3. We will contact you within 24 hours after receiving your request. We will discuss the details and agree on the price of the estimation services depending on the urgency and complexity of the order.
4. Conclusion of the agreement and fulfilment of initial financial obligations.
5. On the basis of your drawings, we will make an estimate of concrete works and prepare the estimate documents.
6. You will receive a complete set of documents including all the necessary information, cost of installation, list of materials, specifications, price list and amounts.
Example of the final set of documents
On the basis of your drawings, we calculate the amounts of the construction materials and auxiliary works. We use the European building standards and norms for the calculation purposes. As a result, we will make a summary table for each type of works like foundations, walls and slabs. For each element we will calculate the production time, the cost of works and materials. We can also consider changes in the time coefficient for each element.
Do you want to learn the price of the cost estimation of your project?
Use this online request form. It will take no more than 5 minutes of your time to fulfill all the necessary data.